Fox Railroad Services Inc.- Call 610-633-2155
A Full Service Railroad Contractor Keeping Trains Safely on the Track Since 1919
Lower Cost Railroad Construction, Maintenance, Inspections, Removals & Salvage. Members of ISNetworld, Avetta, Disa & The National Railroad Construction & Maintenance Association (NRC)
Our Services

About Us
Since 1919, Fox Railroad Services has provided the highest quality Railroad Maintenance, Construction, Inspections and Removals for our Industrial, Class 1 and Short Line customers. With over 100 years of combined railroad contracting experience, the Fox Railroad team has the knowledge and skills to keep your rail system safe and operational. We have several maintenance contracts in place and have been formally recommended by Conrail, NS, CSX, multiple industrial and short line clients. We take pride in our work, with safety, quality and customer service providing the foundation for our core values. We belong to ISNetworld, Disa, Avetta and the National Railroad Construction & Maintenance Association. We have a strong safety culture that involves extensive training including: FRA Part 213 inspection courses, Roadway Worker Protection, daily job briefings, random drug and alcohol testing, JHAs, weekly tool box safety talks, and a comprehensive company safety training program also required by ISNetworld. Our team members working on "The Sharp End", have the experience and resilience to adapt to the constantly changing and hazardous railroad environment. Identifying and correcting track defects on a daily basis. Additionally, our president has written a 168 page system and personnel safety program tailored for Fox Railroad Services, to complete an M-Eng. in Advanced Safety Engineering and Management from UAB. System Safety- (Prevention through Design) is a continuous improvement process that proactively eliminates railroad hazards through periodic inspections, maintenance and construction. Safety, experience, customer service, on time delivery and lower costs. Give us a call to schedule an inspection or free consultation, and find out what the Fox Railroad team can do for you!
610-633-2155- jahfoxrr@aol.com

Major Steel Company Project Engineer William R- "I was very satisfied with Fox Railroad's performance and I would give them the highest marks we use in our post construction evaluations. I was extremely satisfied with their work. We had a very aggressive schedule, and Fox RR finished the project at least 2 months ahead of schedule and under budget, working through a fairly rough winter. I was very satisfied with the quality of their removal and classifying of these valuable materials. Last, and I should have mentioned this first, the whole project was completed without any injuries. This is a critical item when we evaluate our contractors, safety first and always!"
Daniel K- Pennoni- "Joseph's personal involvement and commitment to excellence helped bring about the success of a recent track rehabilitation project for a Fortune 500 corporation."